Monday, 31 August 2009

Look I am sorry but it is NOT Spring tomorrow!

Had a weekend working, and so was away from home overnight.  Staying north of the city of Hobart. These views of Mt Wellington were taken on my way to work at just after 6am yesterday.  Not a lot of snow it seems, but it is quite deceptive as Mt Wellington is tree lined almost to the very top of its 1271 metres.
The beauty about Hobart as a small capital city,( population is only  209,300approx.), is that you are never far from nature.  Hobart is on an amazing Harbour, and Mt Wellington is its majestic back drop. 

 This picture is of the dolerite cliffs that are very noticeable on Mt Wellington. (A lovely walk is possible to view them up close to really get a feeling of their majesty.

This picture is as I get closer to where I was working.  I am almost at the foot hills of the mountain. 

It is incredibly windy down here in the beautiful Huon Valley.  Trouble is I can not see much of it.  The weather is horrendous, and bleak.  
We have had all weather today, hail, sleet, rain making it best to be inside with the raging fire, stew cooking and damper baking (as I am right now).  
My mind is full of gardening, the need to get out and have some really good days, digging and planting, transplanting, protecting and mulching, feeding enriching and enjoying sunshine in the garden.  So sitting here with tea and honey, soothing and warming with a lovely chicken stew/pie..
(as I have put a mashed potato top on it) I feel it makes it more a pie, cooking in the oven.  Damper or herbie scones will accompany it. Red wine and the lovely heat giving fire, knitting my DH jumper and maybe watching a dvd.  Arrrgh are you sure it is really Spring tomorrow?  
I read mainlanders blogs and feel a real sense of living close to Antartic today.  I am more empathetic with the northern hemishpere bloggers today.  
One thing though I am sure that in a couple of weeks the sun will shine and it wont take long for our garden to be growing and we will be reaping some wonderful home grown vegies.


Jennifer said...

Just stopping by to say thank you for commenting on my blog! Wow, what beautiful pictures! That view is so pretty.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

So beautiful pictures!
So You still have winter down under! I thought spring might have come by now, here on almost the opposite place of our little planet autumn is slowly taking over after summer.
Have a great day!

Nicole and Andrew said...

when we lived in Tassie i loved all that cold weather & waking up to see Mt Wellington from my kitchen window with snow on it in summer was awesome.
great blog :o)

Aussiemade said...

I love living here, we have four distinct seasons. I love sharing our stories.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

we are just starting to get cool here. we still will have some hot weather before it cools off for the winter. i am a fall and winter person so i am envious of your weather. thanks for stopping by my blog. chex mix is a snack mix made with chex cereal and cashews and pretzels and a savory/salty sauce and then is baked in the oven. it is a VERY big deal in the states. if you ever want the recipe let me know!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I just read your comment on my "iron" post and laughed. I admit that I really am enjoying that iron..and have wondered if perhaps I did sort of let the other one slip. Naw! I wouldn't do such a thing as that. I WILL her her harnassed though! :) I think you could be right. She does look a wee racy doesn't she? :)
Loved your visit.
Grandson is now in Australia looking for work. I hope he doesn't fall too much in love with the country. :) We would like him to come home again. His mother is going through the empty nest syndrome and I feel so sorry for her.
Have a nice day.. and thanks for your sweet comment.